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Our wood pellets are a type of wood fuel, made from compacted sawdust of white wood and/ or beech wood :

- diameters of 6 & 8 mm
- length 10-30 mm
- humidity: maximum 10%
- ash contain: maximum 1,5%
- caloric power: minimum 18 MJ/KG
- abradability: 2.3%
- density: 600kg/mc;
- packaging: in 15 kg polyethylene bags or in BIG BAGS


What is Pellet Fuels ?


 Pellet fuel is a clean-burning and cost stable heating alternative.

   It is a biomass product made of recycled wood waste.

   The pellet fuel is allergy free with no dust or debris that can contaminate the air


   Pellet fuel reduces dependency on finite supplies of fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal, they are carbon neutral. That means when you use pellet heat, you are not contributing to green house gas emissions.

Wood Pellets



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